Not exactly a news flash, since it was forecast in 1946, but in two weeks, there will have been 2.8 million Americans who turned 60 this year. They are the vanguard of the vaunted Baby Boom, an ant-like army in the 70s of millions who have – for better or worse – dictated the economy, history and culture of the United States. Which is why USA Today, the Bible of Boomer boosterism, talks about the health concerns of a cohort more self-absorbed than a Depends factory.
They are much healthier than previous generations, and it may truly be said that unlike the 1960s, the people in their 60s will remember having been there. It is great that the 60s are taking advantage of better health technology and taking better care of themselves. They have the means and knowledge to do so.
Unlike the left-behinds who rely on Medicaid. The New York Times reports that the government is going to put the squeeze on pharmacies and drug companies in order to get them to offer discounts to Medicaid recipients – something it won’t do for those on Medicare. The newspaper reports: “Consumers would not be directly affected by the proposed changes. But federal officials said they hoped consumers would press for lower drug prices after checking the price list, which will be posted on a Web site.” Somebody ought to tell “federal officials” that if you are on Medicaid, you are poor and you are a child, a senior or a chronically ill unemployable adult. Exactly the kind of person who uses the Internet to look up health information.
And finally, the Los Angeles Times reports that the children of the aging Boomers are saying no to drugs – drugs like Ritalin, which they gobbled like so many Cheerios. They seem to be saying when they were children they acted like children but now want to put away childish things.