Hello World,
Welcome to my new blog that follows my Web-based laboratory, the Cognition and Language Laboratory. The main blog is actually found at Blogspot. But I wanted to keep scienceblog.com readers up-to-date, since I think many here will be interested.
What is the Cognition and Language Laboratory? It’s a virtual lab of sorts, in the sense that normally experiments are done in a physical space somewhere. And I still do that. But many of my experiments can be done in the comfort of your own home via the Internet. So I set up a Web-based lab for that purpose. These are experiments that are very short (2-5 minutes), and thus not worth the time it would take for anybody to come to my office. I try to make them as interesting and informative as possible, so that it is a worthwhile investment of your time.
I look forward to writing in the future.