Four steps to know the Building blocks of Nature – Its Design, Principle and Law governing it

Building blocks of nature, its design, principle, law governing to form the whole nature and its functioning was the basic quest of scientific mind. It is the foundation of scientific knowledge. Even the ancient spiritual knowledge followed the same path except that they looked at life for answers. The scientific enquiry into nature led to the break down of the foundation of science. With the advancement of Quantum Science, Human mind lost the foundation and direction to its quest and became disordered. Quantum science began to reveal many parallels with ancient knowledge systems. However, a basal reality and a strong foundation have failed to emerge for human mind to rest and have a direction to work upon. Consequently, individual minds, collective minds have become disordered. Human spirituality has begun to awaken today and they are in confrontation mode. Situation is demanding that humanity become aware of the building blocks, the interrelationship and oneness in order to survive, Global warming, natural catastrophes, war, terrorism and destruction in the name God and religion. The only solution appears that the Mind of God manifesting as Love to reveal it self to recreate order.

Step one – Is to define the basic characteristic of fundamental particle as understood and observed from nature.
1] The basic characteristic of nature is motion and flow [energy], they are inseparable interrelated aspect. The flow results in motion and motion results in flow.
2] It is understood that this phenomenon is accompanied by resistance or inertia.
3] It is creative and goes to form complex system which allows the flow of energy and relates to form one.
4] Motion and flow of energy is indestructible. This means if there is a direction to the system from left to right, it also has direction right to left encrypted in it to form a cycle.
5] Energy flow and motion occurs in quantum manner.

Step two – To visualize the design, principle and functioning of the fundamental particle.
To understand nature, it is important that we visualize a particle before testing and proving it to explain the above characteristics. One simple design that spontaneously emerges is number 8, with the arms existing in a ratio 4:3, one forming dominant the other recessive. Now a quantum spirit/energy exists because of the non-equilibrium and a flow begins from dominant to the recessive. The principle driving it is the instinct to seek equilibrium. The design forbids it, but the quantum nature of energy transfer leads to quantum dance between two ratios 4:3 and 3:4 to form a cyclic flow of energy and motion from left to right and right to left.

We must note that by virtue of the non equilibrium the particle or the building block has asymmetry, twisted and bent structure in favor to left or right of the axis. It is a simple visualization. As the spirit or the quantum energy flows half way through the process the system attains symmetry – It gives us externally perfect number 8, though the inner spirit force exists in non-equilibrium state. [Read article Divine Secret for more information]. The spirit wishes to exist in this symmetrical state and thus resist motion. It works to maintain this equilibrium state. A Law now becomes inevitable for the spirit to maintain the equilibrium – The law states to the left and right do not seek or try to conquer the center. This technically means the spirit is different from the left and right. The left and right form the field and the spirit or energy forms the mover. Since the Energy can only be transferred in Quantum Manner, it becomes inevitable that the system goes into Quantum Dance.

Technically the quantum dance or Quantum Action is 4 step spiral process. Draw a vertical line and divide into two and then divide each further again into equal parts. This gives five points. The top end of the line is “1” and the lower end is “0”. They form the maximum and minimum or the two ends of a probabilistic world. The inner two points form the stable points within which the system is stable against the external force. The middle point simply forms the transition point of the design. Imagine here a balance. This is shown in the figure “quantum action” [click the link below or pastes it to the browser]

Here “1” becomes the starting point of time. The system wishes to exist oscillating around the middle point between the two inner points. The first quarter of the journey is favored by the spirit and then it collapses into the middle phase. Once the system has reached the middle point, the spirit resists motion away from the center. When the system reaches the third critical point and the threshold, the system begins to collapse to zero. Here the spirit favors the collapse such that the whole system can be initialized. The breakdown and collapse is such that it turns inside out and goes into expansion changing the left and right. The expansion manifests as reaction, which takes it to the limit “1”, where it collapses changing the direction of the flow of the whole system. Because of the non equilibrium the whole process results in spinning and displacement motion. This Design, Principle and the law applies for the motion in the smallest particle to the whole universal system.

Step -3: Understanding Creator [Mover] and Creativity.
Without understanding creativity that leads to complexity from simplicity our understanding nature becomes in complete. The nature is designed to resist the collapse and this resistance manifest as a law. When the law is broken, and the system is pushed to the third critical point [ towards “0”] and collapse of the system becomes inevitable, the resistance of the Creator force manifest into creativity. The two left and right is divided into 4 such that the forces acting to the center is dispersed. Imagine here the division of a zygotic cell. By virtue of the non equilibrium design, it results in two worlds as before in non equilibrium manner, where the spirit flows to create symmetry and a law is placed not to seek the center. See figure
[click the link below or pastes it to the browser]

A third division forms 8 celled state. It fills the 8 equal components of space and its three left and right frames. To understand space take an apple cut it vertically twice at right angles through the center and once horizontally at right angles to the vertical through the center. This forms dynamic system in space. Though the system formed has an external symmetry in space, internally it is formed by non-equilibrium of the spirit and its three fold enfoldment of the system. This means the system can wind to a center and collapse and turn inside out changing the direction of the flow in space. Nothing can destroy this system and it is the indestructible soul.

Note – The two celled state is not stable in space. The stability and opposition is increased when it forms a pair with oppositely twisted system. The law for flow and motion states that the pairs should be in 4:3. This explains the formation atoms and atoms into molecules. Spatial stability is reached in 8 celled states. Spatial stability is the cause for constant change and creativity in the systems.

Step – 4: Visualizing Living Reality of Nature around Soul
Once we have visualized indestructible independent soul in space, it becomes important that we visualize the Quantum Dance or Quantum Action around this Soul. A body should exist around this soul as a cause for the quantum dance resulting in quantum collapse and initialization. One should imagine here four layered system, the inner most core being the soul the outer three forming the body. In its stable or symmetrical state around the middle point, the system forms a balance around this soul. The soul works constantly against time. The Quantum Creation and existence should be visualized from this point. We must note here that the soul it self has a field and spirit that are divided into left and right or dominant and recessive parts [male and female]

Now when the time takes the system to the threshold of Quantum Collapse, the soul collapses. The soul breaks down collapses and inverses and re-emerges changing the left and right and goes into reaction and expansion mode that leads to initialization at “1”. This collapse invariably means the body also needs to follow the path of the collapse and get initialized changing the left and right and the direction of the flow only to go into next cycle. The picture could be visualized from
1] The pulse of living system that vitalizes the body and maintains the life
2] It could be extended to mitotic division where the information opens up forms a template to create new copies, thus helping the up gradation of information from time to time to help the system maintain the body and life within.
3] It also could be compared to meiotic division, where reduced essence of the Father enters the womb of the mother, to create new body out of the old to conquer time and initialize it self.

First two process of Life fights time; the third process conquers time and death and initializes itself.
Extending this to the Universal Level it reveals the Great Secret of Universal Existence in Time Cycles or the Science of Time. Here the philosophy of Christ and Calvary Sacrifice emerges as Light of Life or Knowledge that is going to emerge as a Great Attractor around which the order returns to the endangered world. Here science unites with spirituality which explains nature with “self” analysis with God. The whole of Bible, the Secret of Vedas and other ancient spiritual philosophies can be reinterpreted in sensible way giving Life to the Universal System.

Further reading
Science of Time and Jesus Christ
Divine Secret
Beyond Genes
Physics of Soul
The Secret of Consciousness
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