Episode 7 of the Missing Link podcast has just been posted. This latest episode of my history of science, medicine, and technology podcast features an exploration of how ancient and present-day astronomers have challenged our common-sense notions of time.
This episode also previews a new book on the history of twentieth-century technology that turns our attention away from grand inventions and toward the kinds of technologies that have mattered most to users.
See http://missinglinkpodcast.com for further details. You can also find the Missing Link on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. The direct RSS feed for the audio files is http://missinglink.libsyn.com/rss.
You do not need an mp3 player to listen. If you visit missinglinkpodcast.com, you will see a “Listen to episode” link under each episode title. This will open up your preferred audio player and the program will play from your computer speakers. Enjoy!