Universal Interactive Future, and Past.

How can we get number “9” by addition ?
We have many possibilities. 1+8, 2+7, 3+6, 4+5, and many other possibilities that contain decimal numbers.
What that means ?!
It means that, as the added numbers determine the answer, also the answer determines the added numbers.
The number “9” (as an answer), determines the possibilities for getting this answer.

Let’s see.

How to build a universe ?!
First step: Start at the beginning of time.
Step Two: Apply the laws of physics.
Step Three: Sit back, and watch the universe evolve.
Step Four: Cross your fingers and hope that it comes out looking something like the one we live in.

Now, here is a question:
When u turn on a light source (Lamp for example), what path does the light photons take, to reach your eyes ?
When a light photon travels from a lamp to your eye, it moves in a straight line, but it also travels to Jupiter and back !
In the double slit experiemnt in Quantum Mechanics, the way to interpret the quntum phenomena, was to assume that when a particle travels from point A to point B, it doesnt simply take one path … But it takes every possible path similtaneously; the photon travels through both slits at the same time and interferes with itself.
The obvious question is, why do we see only one path straight and simple ?!
Dr. Richard Feynman’s answer was, because all the other paths cancel each other out. Each path can be mapped out as a wave. Each wave has a different phase (effectively a starting time), and all the waves added together, create an “interference pattern”, building upon one another where their phases align and cancelling each other out where their phases are mismatched. The sum of all the waves is one single, which describes the path we observe.

Applied to the universe, this idea has an obvious implication. Just as a particle is travelling from point A to point B, takes every possible path in between, so too must the history of the universe.
In one history, the earth has never formed.
In another, Al Gore is the American president.
There are infinite possibilities which form parallel universes.
If we could stand outside the universe, we would see the present affecting the past, by giving the possibilities that end up with our current present.

Finally, we have now a new set for building a universe.
Step One: look around you.
Step Two: Find the set of all possible histories that end up as a universe like the one we see.
Step Three: Add them together, and create a history for yourself.

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