Blunt Cloning Kit?

Ok kids. Maybe my kit is old. Maybe I just don’t like their new blunt vector. I dunno. But my point is that my current enzymatic assist vector kit is doing me wrong. It’s one of those kits that has the vector ready to go with topoisomerase stuck on the ends just a’waiting for an insert to pop in. And if it were to somehow close itself back up with no insert, voila! The gene product kills the cell transformed with aformentioned plasmid.

Sounds great, right? It is. And it’s worked for me before. But it’s failed me now 3 times, and I think it’s time to try something else. Now if you’re at all savvy about cloning, you no doubt know of the company that makes this product. I’m so sure of this, I won’t even say their name. What I’m asking you, erudite scientific community member, is for another company or product that does something similar: A vector and ligation kit that very quickly, easily, and reliably will pop in a blunt-ended insert, and with no further purification or other lab magic, is ready to transform into chemically competent cells of my choosing. Is that so much to ask?

Anyway. Feedback would be swell. Thanks.

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