The Nanomaterials Society has been created within Linkedin
The Nanomaterials Society is a dues-free, non-profit and preferably off-the-record informal discussion group within Linkedin.
Its objective is to facilitate technical discussions, develop end-use business opportunities, exchange thoughts toward the physics, chemistry and sourcing of nanomaterials (~1 to 100 nm) and accelerate global industry networking within the LinkedIn connections.
It was created by Mr. Charles Reade on 30 MAR 09 and already has around 80 nano technologists from around the world signed up as members.
As a member of The Nanomaterials Society, you have immediate access to six (6) combined nanotechnology industry RSS news feeds that are automatically downloaded and always available for your review.
They are:
1) AzoNano
2) M.I.T. Nano News
3) Nano Tech Wire
4) Nanowerk
5) PhysOrg
6) Tech.Einnews
To join The Nanomaterials Society, please visit Linkedin at:
Mr. Reade is the President of READE ADVANCED MATERIALS, which manufactures and globally distributes higher technology specialty chemical solids.
For more information about READE please visit: