Paper: Formal model and analysis of sliding window protocol based on NuSMV
Author: Yefei Zhao, Zongyuan Yang, Jinkui Xie, Qiang Liu
Abstract: System states spaces based on Kripke structure can be exhausted by model checking, thus system key property described with temporal logic can be automatically verified. Presently model checking has been widely used in hardware validation and network protocol analysis. Sliding window protocol is a classical receive-send protocol, which is used in TCP/IP protocol group. In this paper, we propose the respective formal model of sliding window protocol in three conditions, as well as Kripke structure semantics of the protocol. The key properties of system such as data integrity, liveliness and information consistency are automatically validated. Finally experiment, table and analysis are given out. The method we proposed to analysis specific bit sliding window protocol can be extended to analysis arbitrary bit sliding window protocol.
Published journal: Journal of Computers(EI source journal, ISSN:1796-203X)
Published date: May, 2009