To harvest the wind: Cornell University will host “Large-Scale Wind-Generated Power,” a scientific workshop on gathering wind energy, June 12-13, 2009, at Hollister and Kimball halls on the Cornell campus.
The U.S. Department of Energy has set a goal of obtaining 20 percent of the nation’s electricity from wind power by 2030. This would be nearly 20 times today’s wind power production. Other countries are proposing even greater investments in wind power.
This workshop will explore the issues and obstacles to the 20 percent by 2030 goal, including: the effects on birds and bats, noise, aesthetics, cost, and overhauling the national power grid.
Lord Julian Hunt, professor of climate modeling at University College, London, will provide the plenary lecture on the effects of climate change on wind power on Friday, June 13, at 4:30 p.m., in Room B-11, Kimball Hall.
International experts from government, industry and academia will also speak, including Mike Robinson, manager of the wind technology development group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; James Lyons, chief technology officer at Novus Energy Partners; and Robert Thomas, Cornell professor of electrical and computer engineering.
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