was held in the ancient site of Pasargadae last night in celebrating IYA 2009.
This competition based on Marathon + , but with some changes in time and list of objects.
The name of this competition came after Abdo Rahman Sufi Razi, Persian great astronomer and sky observer in about 1000 years ago, who wrote the great book “Book of Fixed Stars” and in that book, listed few non stellar objects such as M31, Magellan Clouds and 7 other objects as “Nebula” for the first time.
He was worked at Shiraz ancient observatory and had long trips to observed sky from different places.
In the 3rd Sufi Competition 116 astronomers (46 girls and 70 Boys) gathered from all across the country in Pasargadae palace to hold the competition. After one day workshop about opportunities in front of amateur astronomers , the competition was started near the tomb of The Cyrus the great. And competitors observed list of 150 non stellar objects and after the jury team accept their observation they went to the next object. After on great night observing in 2 class of teams and personal competitors the winners were announced. The closing ceremony was hold at Persepolis palace with the Sound and the Light show and the winners get their awards. Beside the competition, SUFI present its lifetime achievement in astronomy prize to professor Riazi who played a great role in modern astronomy of Iran.
ASIAC (Astronomy Society of Iran – Armature Committee) hope to hold the next year competition as an international scale in association with AWB.
All of the observers from all around the world are welcome .
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