Black holes in an expanding Universe
For starters I want to discuss on the matters of black holes, the inflation theory and some others aspects of the Universe we live in. From the dawn of time the greatest discoveries in these fields were made by suppositions. I am also fascinated about the UFO phenomenon and the unexplained in general. So if anyone can provide some good topics on those subjects I would love to discuss them.
Black holes are a huge gap in the structure of the Universe. They have the capability to bend the surrounding space, absorbing most of the matter that surrounds them, holding, although not entirely, even the light, and giving the galaxies a pull, determining them to spread out from each other. And on top of that normal physical laws don’t apply for them. The gravity pull of a black hole mustn’t be too great, and even if it was, the total amount of gravity exercised upon a black hole itself by surrounding galaxies must act like a counter gravity pull. But it must be an uneven factor among the galaxies themselves. The black holes could act as a nullifier and stabilizer of gravity between the galaxies. The fact that space is expanding, according to the inflation theory could be plausible, but the biggest question is from what? The primordial nucleus that gave birth to the Universe must have still enough mass from which the structure of the Universe, the unseen one – dark matter and light matter, must be expanding. Galaxies in this case could be a concentration of the matter expelled by the force of huge explosions, or Bangs, which could be released matter in big chunks when the Universe first started expanding. These chunks latter formed the solid corps, like stars and planets, but there must have been a stability factor to assist in the process, ensuring that the matter doesn’t disperse from the initial block. That factor could have been the black holes, probably a result of such chunks that failed to produce solid bodies. It is possible that some of the blocks failed to reach a “safe” distance from the expanding nucleus, thus acting as a shield for the ones that wore beyond them. By doing this, the constant bombardment of energy must have sent them in a semi-solid state, allowing them to absorb enough energy to get electrified and to act as a magnet for the electrons, which are particles negatively charged that perform a revolution movement around the nucleus of the atom, and who can exist in different places simultaneously-it only is there if you observe it-thus attracting matter. It is possible that the particles from the matter contained in a black hole could have the impulse to join but the energy core must act as a disperser. To accept that the Universe is really expanding is to accept that there is a vast empty space that it must fill. The problem is that this space, although accepted that it’s infinite, must be something that allows the existence of particles like atoms which in this case would have to interact with the particles contained by the expanding Universe, causing reactions between them that could lead to a “border shredding”. The fact is that reactions like those could break the atoms, releasing energy by nuclear explosions. It would have to be like an ice-breaker cutting throw ice that gets thicker and thicker until something breaks down. But what if the center of the Universe is a black hole look alike? Something that could continuously attract and repel the matter in such a way that it pumps just like a heart. The fact that galaxies are getting further and further from each other could be the result of the counter gravity exercised by the solid bodies and the black holes themselves. It is clear that whatever started this expansion must still be there or at least a modified type of itself. If it’s still active it could be pulsating, thus eliminating a continuous flow of matter and forming a continuous string of black holes and galaxies. So it is something of “time repeating”, which leads to the crowding of the space available in the Universe, for if we accept that it is expanding then it must have a border, even a constantly moving one, or spinning one-it could be possible that the Universe could spin around its own center like a centrifuge. If it is expanding then it would be possible to observe in the future some new galaxies instead of the old ones, as the whole is being shifted over and over again. And the pylons on which the structure stands are the black holes. By acting as dispersed vacuums the black holes could provide the force that holds the galaxies together as the Universe expands, thus modifying his structure, absorbing the energy wave released from the explosions at the center, thus preventing them from collapsing in each other.