Tsunami 2004; The place, size and shape of the Earth’s crust break from December 26, 2004 confirmed in 100% my, presented for 20 years now, driving mechanism of plate tectonics witch is the west drift of Earth’s crust deformations. Unfortunately, the doctrinal approach to science and the arrogance of the American scientists cost life of hundreds of thousands people in 2004.
On December 26, 2004 a strong underwater earthquake in the area of the Sumatra Island caused a huge tsunami wave which brought death and destruction everywhere on its way from Thailand through Sumatra reaching India and Sri Lanka and even further – to Africa. According to data published by AFP on February 6, 2005, the number of people killed was at least 294,000 and that was not the final result of this tragedy. The question is whether all responsible people and institutions did their best to minimize the scope of this tragedy? In relation to this tragedy we still do not get the answer to the question whether those institutions do their best not to allow the same happen again? It is fundamental for better prediction of earthquakes to describe properly all the mechanisms and forces inside the Earth involved in this process. Until 1993 in geophysics there was no generally accepted, coherent and correct description of the inner Earth logically explaining the tectonic phenomena. In 1993 at Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences I delivered a presentation on ‘Driving mechanism of plate tectonics’.
The article was printed (ISSN-No 0947-1944) and the comment given by the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences in 1997 was as follows „…your idea seems to be very good, but the mathematical algorithms used are very complicated”. My idea of the plate tectonics is so clear that it allowed me to predict the eruption of Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico 3 years before it really happened. I sent warning letters to CENAPRED and UNAM but I haven’t heard from them until now. The same happened to my letters sent in February 2001 to Harvard-Seismo, California Institute of Technology, USGS, NOAA and FEMA in the USA.
If, after receiving my letter in 2001 the American geophysicists really took care of the earthquakes’ victims, they would have known, concluding from my arguments, that the most endangered is the region of the Indian Ocean. Between 2001 and 2004 they had enough time to install there a warning system signalling the tsunami coming. It could have saved hundred of thousands people in 2004. But the Indian Ocean region is considered the slums of the world, so no one was even a bit interested in installing such system there. Only the photos of thousands of human corpses ground with the slums’ garbage, debris and car scraps shown in all the world’s media caused that under the pressure of public opinion the USGS and FEMA officially announced the installing of a warning system in this region. 300 000 dead bodies too late!
The place, size and shape of the Earth’s crust break from December 26, 2004 confirmed in 100% my, presented for 20 years now, driving mechanism of plate tectonics witch is the west drift of Earth’s crust deformations.
But the warning system on the Indian Ocean is not everything. Today, basing on my verified model, I can state that an evaluation of the endangered zones on the globe should be done and warning systems in all these places should be installed to minimize the number of future victims.
Unfortunately, the doctrinal approach to science and the arrogance of the American scientists cost life of hundreds of thousands people in 2004.
My letter to FEMA from 2001 together with the address list is available here .
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