“Media specialists often defend controversial books. But what if the tables were turned and we were branded as censors for rejecting unworthy books? That’s exactly what happened to us five years ago.” So write Connie and Michael O’Sullivan in a School Library Journal article entitled “Monkey Business.”
I’ve been so busy blogging about the issue of Intelligent Design as a scientist that I almost forgot my other side as a writer of children’s books, where I have developed the persona of Dr. Fred. Yet when I visit schools, I’m always on the alert for questions about the origins of our planet and life.
And when I get a chance to discuss the issue with teachers and the school’s media specialist, that’s an opportunity to make a real difference for the long term. Would words of wisdom do I offer? I hope I could do as well as the O’Sullivans in the SLJ article.
Just click here to look at what they say about the difference between using professional judgment to enhance critical thinking and acting as a censor to limit it.