Boxes left over from Kidney Dialysis

Patients and Doctors of Kidney Dialysis,

A neighbor Al, who has been receiving peritoneal dialysis, was over the other day and had mentioned to me about all the dialysis boxes that he as recycled and thrown over the last year.

He went on to explain the shame of putting these great boxes curbside without knowing if they are truly being recycled. He also commented that in an ideal world he would love to redeem some cash back on these valuable commodities that are great for packing and storing, etc…

I smiled and nodded in affirmation and said, “I hear you loud and clear”.

Coincidentally, my family and I just launched a free website,, that helps people recycle their boxes ( of any type ) with the possibility of receiving some cash back on them from interested box buyers.

Patients can now recycle their boxes with the possibility of gaining some monetary return while preserving the environment.

Best of Health!


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