Seeing Wonders Under the Sea Was Enough Fun For Me

Today, I took a leap back from the quantum mechanics behind the magic membranes of all-that-is, to enjoy an arthropodic splash around some websites devoted to the marine worlds of earth. Maybe, I just wanted to see what was up with the crabs! Last night we had our first major snowstorm, and I was remembering how much I loved those childhood visits to the seashore. Those memories were warming my heart as I sat back and explored some websites designed especially for children, or even for childlike crabby curmudgeons:

Oceanic Research Organization‘s website

Learn A Little About Marine Life

But then, I found a slightly more adult website, river ocean foundation, where you can hire their Mongolian-style yurts! (Better go and see. . .they show pictures of both the small and the large yurt!) After a while, I moved over to CORE, an impressive and serious site indeed, with many (many!) interesting links to follow.

Before I returned to the children’s websites, I bookmarked, even though the URL is on the address bar. After looking around MarineBio for a while, I realized that this website looks like another one I could get lost in – so I decided to return to it later, after I learn more about crabs and all the crustaean relations at the simpler sites.

Since I do not have expert or advanced lay knowledge of marine biology, and I do not approach science topics in a strictly “scientific” way – according to the most conventional usage of that word – I have limited myself to the sharing of a few delights here today! The “Learn A Little” marine life website even plays a me a tune when I click on – so that is where I am going right now. . .

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