Kitamura, A., et al., Anomalous effects in charging of Pd powders with high density hydrogen isotopes. Phys. Lett. A, 2009. 273(35): p. 3109-3112.
Their conclusion that the D(H)/Pd ratio and absorption energy is an increasing function of fineness of the sample surface seems undeniable based on their calibrations and differential measurements as documented in their report. It confirms many of the earlier reports by other researchers such as Arata of excess heat in nano Pd material and lends support to anomalous heat reported in similar materials with fineness on the scale of Casimir geometry such as the skeletal catalyst Rayney Nickel used by Dr Mills of Black Light Power.
Research by Kitamura et al finally provides us a quanative values for an entire table of Pd materials with different granularities and conditions. They report deuterium/hydrogen absorption and accompanying heat generation which shows anomalously large isotope effect. What they refer to as anomalously large isotope effect may be what Arata /Zhang calls “pycnodeuterium”, or what Mills is calling a “hydrino” and what others are calling fractional state hydrogen or relativistic hydrogen.
Researchers should keep an open mind toward the suggestion of Jan Naudts that fractional hydrogen is relativistic. This would mean LENR and the Black Light process are related and but you will never ever see the hydrino outside the pores of a rgidid catalyst /casimir cavity. Skeptics that point at the hydride byproducts of the Black Light process as being impracticable must realize byproducts only represent the “destructive” ash as thermal runaway starts causing reactions with the cavity wall to nullify the Casimir force,The real actors in this play produce no byproduct!They are just gas atoms experiencing equivalent acceleration due to Casimir effect. There is a window where nature’s desire for diatomic states is balanced against high mobility atoms in a rigid cavity allowing them to oscillate between bonded and unbonded states with change in plate spacing.The equivalent acceleration would also explain the spectrum shift reported for the Black light plasma. see animation
When someone finally produces a 100W closed loop reactor to prove the energy is there and attainable it will not reduce the controversey. Mills and Arata are not the only ones reporting excess heat or putting forth a theory to explain it. Haisch and Moddel received a patent based on Casimir cavities which just also happen to be what you get when Al is leached out of Nickel to form the skeletal catalyst Rayney nickel used by Mills. the truth is the method is still a mystery and many competing theories abound. A closed loop system will cause the funding issue to finally disappear and an intellectual property race the likes of which you have never seen before will ensue. Mills has no patent because he locked himself into the impossible claim of a fractional ground state.
I propose to marry the Haisch – Moddel Casimir cavity based theory with work by Jan Naudts and Ron Bourgoin that proposes a relativistic solution for the “hydrino”. Their papers dictate a relativistic environment using equations assuming electrons can occupy the same spatial positions – a condition that presupposes time dilation. Since hydrogen is spatially confined inside the Casimir cavity this relativistic acceleration must occur through equivalence, Unlike a deep gravity well formed by concentrated mass the Casimir cavity represents an abrupt equivalence boundary where the ambient gravitational field becomes segregated -concentrating in the plate surface and depleted in the cavity. The summation of the vacuum fluctuations in the depleted zone is a lower energy zone than the ambient level meaning any atoms diffused there become decelerated or from their perspective, We outside the cavity are accelerating away from them much like the space bound twin in the twin paradox. Unlike the twin paradox we have spatial confinement keeping the cavity and contents spatialy stationary with an equivalent acceleration vector on the time axis. We appear to slow down to them or they appear to accelerate relative to us. I predict this effect is related to catalytic action but in the case of a rigid skeletal catalyst with appropriate atomic gas can be exploited to trade time dilation for heat energy.
The energy source is the Casimir plates, the static field would seem unexploitable but the relativistic proposal provides multiple inertial frames allowing us to unbalance the symetrical non radiative transitions of hydrogen into and out of a Casimir field. If the hydrino forms a dihydrino the constituent atoms still try to transition further with changes in plate spacing but are now opposed by the covalent bond. The difference in energy levels normally associated with time dilation are instead used to break the covalent bond -in effect trading time for energy. This “reaction” has no byproduct and represents a fine balancing act which can turn into thermal runaway cascade where the oscillation between diatomic and monatomic overheats the cavity molten and geometry reshapes to relieve the field (think Mills 50kw quick burn out ) or the heat build up is very slow and gradual (think Arata and other reports of “heat after death”)
-just my hunch
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