It is very natural that young people have infinite curiosity and experience the temptation of mysterious feelings. This kind of curiosity is in fact beneficial. It is the curiosity that leads young people to the knowledge of varied kinds of sciences from kindergarten to graduate school. However, here I talk about the special curiosity which everyone shares. That is the mysterious feeling about the origin of life and the universe. The crises which our society and the natural environment suffer are resulted from human activities driven by the mysterious feeling.
If such visible or measurable materials as galaxies and living life are meaningful (that is, the meaning of rationality and impulse), why do we have to envisage those kinds of unmeasurable ghosts, dark matter and dark energy? Of course, people and scientists did not see the meaning, and accordingly, they need the ghosts, dark matter and dark energy to be fitted into their imagined and false meanings. It is shameless that some people do not believe such kinds of ghosts and dark matter but they promote and disseminate these simply for them to gain personal interests.
The only way adults can live is to learn cosmic truth, protect each other, and serve others.
Chapter 1 Cosmic Origin of Dust
1. Human Crisis on the Earth
The history of human on the Earth is at least several hundred million years. However, we do not know how human is originated. Human beings seem to be the wandering street children who have lost their parents. The most horrible thing is that human beings never realize that they are the wandering street children. We know neither our blood lineage nor the meaning of life. We do not know how to value our own or other’s lives. Such blind and cruel actions as deceit, plunder, warfare, and so on, have strangled millions and generations of lives.
Today, the global world needs a reflection on itself and mankind needs to resort to its starting point. It is time for human beings to seek their origin and answer such primary questions as what human body is made of and what humanity is. Further more, the crises that the Earth’s inhabitants encounter require mankind’s answer to these questions!
Towards the 21st century, mankind on earth encounters unprecedented crises. The natural environment suffers the most important crisis which may reclaim mankind’s fate. The crisis manifests itself with air and river pollution, ecological imbalance, as well as the global warming caused by greenhouse effect. The second crisis is the financial and social crisis caused by human’s bubble economy. The resolution of these crises turns out to be mutual contradiction. In addition to these crises, the ever-changing material life has also brought the devastating effect on human body and mind.
Reviewing through human history, we can see that the crises stem from human’s ignorance of their own origin. If human beings know the origin, then all kinds of crises can be prevented, the existing crises can be mitigated and even eliminated.
Very fortunately, human understanding of the nature over the last centuries is enough for human beings to understand the origin. Physics, chemistry, biology and medicine have fully proved that human bodies are composed of elementary particles. The question is, what force combines elementary particles into the biosphere?