A recent email brought this entertaining website to my attention: SupernaturalMinds.com – Home of the Greatest Minds in the World. SupernaturalMinds, by Stephen E. Palmer, offers brief, informative articles about many frontier and alternative science topics, such as transhumanism and free energy, and about a collection of history’s lesser (and some greater) known, original scientific/mathematical, artisitc, and philosophical investigators and innovators.
“… We believe that geniuses can be made, and are not necessarily born. There have been many geniuses throughout history that have been overlooked and omitted from history books. I did not learn about Henry T. Moray or Nikola Tesla in conventional history texts in highschool. My knowledge of them came from independent study. Another question that this website will raise is why are certain inventors rarely mentioned in history books while others have become household names? Is this just a coincidence, or is there something deeper involved?”
There are brainteasers, a biomedical glossery, and an unusual array of links at SupernaturalMinds, too. The website has a few odd bugs, still – typographical text errors here and there, some slightly stretched-looking graphics, and weird layout or template troubles. I am supposing that the owner will discover ingenious fixes for these soon, and if more spacetime opens up in my schedule, I will email him about those I have noticed so far. In the meanwhile, I have been enjoying SupernaturalMinds.com around its minor glitches.