“Since we have applicability, really, to all solid tumors, in Russia the drug is already approved for general use with chemotherapy. Here in the United States, we’ve had two positive Phase II results in ovarian and breast cancer. Channel 7 in Miami recently profiled a breast cancer patient that was in our Phase II breast cancer trial and went into complete remission. No signs of cancer. That’s based on publicly available information where we’ve had forty percent of the patients have had no sign of their cancer after treatment of chemo and our drug.
Palmin: “In short, what we do is we regulate redox-sensitive cell signaling pathways that are involved in cancer proliferation, cell-mediated immunity and blood recovery, basically. Recovery from chemotherapy toxicity.
“Some companies tried to use oxidative stress as a way to kill tumors and not surprisingly, that can result in pretty severe side effects for the patient. What we do, is we administer our proprietary formulation of Oxidized glutathione (NOV-002), which induces transient oxidative signal throughout the body and that has pretty profound, different effects in tumor cells versus normal cells. So what we’ve seen- and this is in patients, in vivo (experimentation using a whole, living organism as opposed to a partial or dead organism), in animals and in vitro experiments (performed not in a living organism but in a controlled environment, such as in a test tube), what we’ve seen is this different effect on tumor versus normal cells.
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