Q. What do Alain Aspect, Kip Thorne, Anton Zeilinger, Sir Martin Rees, Raymond Laflamme, Neil Turok, Joseph Emerson and Simon Singh all have in common?
A. They are sharing fresh insights from the frontiers of science at the World Conference of Science Journalists in London on June 30th, 2009.
The 2009 World Conference of Science Journalists (www.wcsj2009.org) is bringing together reporters, writers and science communicators from around the world to network, develop their professional skills and learn about the latest advances in science and technology. The conference will also include two unique workshops that will provide background information and share newsworthy insights on research areas ranging from quantum information to cosmology. The details involve:
Session #1 – The Quantum Tamers: Revealing Our Weird & Wired Future
Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 9:30-11:00 am
Central Hall, Westminster, London
This workshop will begin with a multi-media presentation that shows how the “weirdness” of tiny subatomic particles is being harnessed for powerful new forms of information processing and communication. Using video clips from a new, international documentary “The Quantum Tamers” (being released Fall 2009), panel members will show how the nature of “superposition” and “entanglement” are leading toward super powerful quantum computers, secret quantum codes and even quantum teleportation. The guest speakers are from among a large group of international researchers that took part in making the documentary. They will take your questions and describe what newsworthy research to watch for now that “the weird is becoming wired”, ushering in a new era of quantum technologies that may rock the world.
Panel Members include:
– Alain Aspect, Professor, Ecole Polytechnique
– Raymond Laflamme, Associate Faculty, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and Director, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
– Anton Zeilinger, Professor of Physics, University of Vienna
– Joseph Emerson, Perimeter Institute Outreach Advisor and Faculty Member of the UW Department of Applied Mathematics
Session #2 – The Future of Cosmology: From Theory to Experiment
Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 11:30-1:00 pm
Central Hall, Westminster, London
Cosmology is the study of the evolution of the universe as a whole. It has become one of the most exciting fields of science as new observational technologies enable exquisitely accurate and detailed observations to be made. New generations of particle colliders, neutrino observatories, gravity wave detectors, satellites, telescopes and other devices are about to fuel all new knowledge about the entire cosmos – even dating back to the big bang. In this session, leading scientists will bring you up to the cutting edge of theory and experiment. Find out what novel ideas about the nature of space, time, energy and matter are being probed. Learn why certain experimental results will be newsworthy. Understand how this research will impact our core understanding of the entire universe – and everything in it – for generations to come.
Panel Members include:
– Martin Rees, President of the Royal Society, Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics and Master of Trinity College at the University of Cambridge
– Kip Thorne, Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Caltech
– Neil Turok, Director, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics; Chair of Mathematics, DAMTP, Cambridge; Founder of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
– Simon Singh, Author, Journalist and TV Producer
To learn more about the World Conference of Science Journalists, including registration details and other workshop information, visit www.wcsj2009.org. The periodic conference is propelled by the World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ), a non-profit organization representing 40 associations of science and technology journalists from Africa, the Americas, the Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. It is, in short, an association of associations. The WFSJ seeks to further science journalism as a bridge between science, scientists and the public. It promotes the role of science journalists as key players in civil society and democracy. The Federation’s goals are to improve the quality of science reporting, promote standards and support science and technology journalists worldwide.