
Running on a faster track

What matters for commuters is not just if the train will be on time, but how long the journey will take. It’s an important factor in public transportation and can make the difference in helping commuters choose mass transit over more polluting and c…

Shopping religiously

Marketers hope to connect between the consumer and the products they represent by creating a strong brand identity. Now a Tel Aviv University researcher is giving marketers a heavenly new angle to consider ― religious faith ― on which to…

Paradise lost — and found

Ancient gardens are the stuff of legend, from the Garden of Eden to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Now researchers at Tel Aviv University, in collaboration with Heidelberg University in Germany, have uncovered an ancient royal garden at the s…

Breaching the breech protocol

Most babies are delivered head-first, but in about 4% of all deliveries babies are “born breech” ― with their buttocks or feet first. Doctors usually exercise caution and use caesarean sections (C-sections) as the delivery method of choice for…