Dentists sue insurers under RICO Act

Evoking a set of laws originally adopted to fight organized crime, the ADA May 19 filed a class-action federal suit, alleging that some of the nation’s largest insurers have conspired to “deny, reduce and delay” payments to dentists under contract to the plans. This latest civil complaint, filed in South Florida’s U.S. District Court, Miami Division, is the third ADA lawsuit aimed at defending the dentist-patient relationship and halting what the Association sees as unlawful insurance industry practices.

Uninsured cancer patients pay more, get less

Uninsured cancer patients pay more than twice as much out of pocket for their medical care than insured patients, but end up receiving half as much care, according to a new report. Hispanic cancer patients may be especially vulnerable within this trend: 20 percent of Hispanic cancer patients under age 65 lack insurance, compared with 11 percent of all uninsured cancer patients under age 65.