From the Front Page:
Welcome to the Directory of Open Access Journals. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. There are now 2401 journals in the directory. Currently 697 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 109840 articles are included in the DOAJ service. [Journal]
An expanded list of the subject areas catered for can be found here.
A very quick browse of topics and journal titles reveals there are 97 Biology entries, 37 for Anthropology, 10 on Astronomy/Space, but only one where ‘evolution’ actually appears in a journal name (‘Evolutionary Psychology’)
It’s worth remembering that journals such as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) are not listed in the above Directory because their articles do not become ‘open access’ until a year after publication (with the occasional exception of course).
Also see “The Royal Society: Open Access to ‘Over 340 years of landmark science’ until December 2007″.
John Latter / Jorolat
Evolution Research