I have big dreams. But until I read the book, Harmonic Wealth, I would settle for ordinary. Every so often, I would get inspired and jot down a few ideas for the screenplay I’ve always wanted to write, but most of the time, I would just stick with the familiar and leave it at that.
Not anymore. Since I learned the idea of going “3-For-3”, I’ve seen big changes in my life and that dream no longer seem far fetched. I’m writing EVERY SINGLE DAY and already have the first five scenes of the screenplay completed. And I’m enrolled in a screenplay writing class!
“3-For-3” means THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, AND ACTIONS aligned. So rather than just dreaming about writing and waiting for the story to miraculously appear, I stop and walk through those steps each evening after work: I clear my workspace, open my computer, and then go 3-for-3. I think about the screenplay coming into form, feel the joy and pleasure of the writing, and then act – and begin to type.
I know this seems really, really simple but 99% of the time we forget to go 3-for-3. How often do you think to yourself, I’m gonna lose 15 lbs. and then never do any feeling or acting? Sometimes these things are super-simple. It’s working for me.
Here is the link to read more about the concept of 3-for-3 in James Ray’s Harmonic Wealth: harmonicwealth.com/read
– Fan of James Ray