
A Unifying Theory

The Universe is an endless force field operating on all frequencies and in every direction oscillating at light speed.

Atoms derive from the precise collisions of frequencies from every direction which momentarily arrests the speed of light.

A precise collision of frequencies at the positive peak creates a proton.
The precise collision of frequencies at the negative peak creates an electron.
The precise collision of frequencies at zero peak produces a neutron.

Electrons naturally attract protons and neutrons but, having no mass, the electrons do the moving. When in close proximity, the protons repel electrons into circulatory orbits.

In the beginning, protons, neutrons and electrons floated about in space forming into pockets of hydrogen gas which gathered into clouds which became bigger and bigger until there were only two absolutely gigantic clouds. As these attracted together the surplus electrons caused a static discharge between them which caused a big bang.

This big bang introduced heat, gravity and velocity into universal equations which caused more complex assortments of matter to appear.

These more complex and varied sorts of matter were attracted to each other into clouds which were attracted together to form suns. Residue clouds formed planets.

On some of these planets, more and more complex chemical structures developed and evolved over billions of years. Some of these structures evolved self-perpetuating structures which developed into sophisticated unstable structures that evolved survival intelligence requiring a regular supply of electrons/calories/food in maintenance – life as we know it.

Everything in the universe can be root sourced to positive or negative particles.

Gravity is caused by the latent attraction of the surplus of electrons, and is, like electron static, a weak force.

In the universe total energy plus total matter equals 1.

Ron Williams

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