is a giant ad for THE SOURCEBOOK PROJECT and yet there is quite a bit there, in the form of short teasers, to browse for free. In a prettier way, Wal Thorhill offers science-frontier speculation (and news) along similar lines at is a somewhat plain, almost ugly, google adsensed, directory of links to science websites, including traffic and popularity ratings. It has led to some interesting places, so far. There is an anomalies section, but most of the links are straight science. does not offer any straight way to go, and the Paranormal section leads to some sites that are pretty far out, but fun. I just started Crabbee’s Blog 2 at Blogger, mainly so I can offer some blogrolls and other interesting (or even facinating) stuff on the sidebar. It is a rather empty site at the moment, since I just started setting it up late last night (or maybe it was early this morning). I will post at least once a month at Crabbee’s Blog 2 – no more spactime in my schedule to intend more – and probably keep popping back in over here now and then.