All the recent attention to Morgellons has failed to address the fact that significant, credible, and profound information has ALREADY been done on the Morgellons affliction. I am posting a link here to reference.
The general population may be unfamiliar with the technology but IT EXISTS!! The scientists and military knows it does. They created it.
See also
– a lot of information to read and THINK about with relation to Morgellons and
See also the Larson Report. Scroll down to almost the bottom – there are yellow blocks. There you will find the link. Those bio/nano devices implanted in Mr. Larson are very similar in their appearance to the ones we have in us.
Wow. No wonder NO ONE is saying much.
Now, if you don’t believe the links provided…do a search for yourself with some of the buzz words. Start at DARPA, DoD, NASA, Nano, and then move into Universities, grants, military…then do a search on patents, nano, in vivo, transducers, photosensors, tissue, adverse biosynthethic research studies, tracking, monitoring, laser, radio frequency, etc…
THEY have done something to ALL of us…on a global scale…I believe, via “chemtrails.” It may not be readily obvious to your general population, but those of us who have this affliction demonstrate “what went wrong” in the “integration” and should be a SIREN to everyone!
We need divine intervention to expose this atrocity…any volunteers?
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