Satisfactory sexual intercourse for couples lasts from 3 to 13 minutes, contrary to popular fantasy about the need for hours of sexual activity, according to a survey of U.S. and Canadian sex therapists.
Penn State Erie researchers Eric Corty and Jenay Guardiani conducted a survey of 50 full members of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, which include psychologists, physicians, social workers, marriage/family therapists and nurses who have collectively seen thousands of patients over several decades.
Thirty-four, or 68 percent, of the group responded and rated a range of time amounts for sexual intercourse, from penetration of the vagina by the penis until ejaculation, that they considered adequate, desirable, too short and too long.
The average therapists’ responses defined the ranges of intercourse activity times: “adequate,” from 3-7 minutes; “desirable,” from 7-13 minutes; “too short” from 1-2 minutes; and “too long” from 10-30 minutes.
“A man’s or woman’s interpretation of his or her sexual functioning as well as the partner’s relies on personal beliefs developed in part from society’s messages, formal and informal,” the researchers said. “”Unfortunately, today’s popular culture has reinforced stereotypes about sexual activity. Many men and women seem to believe the fantasy model of large penises, rock-hard erections and all-night-long intercourse. ”
Past research has found that a large percentage of men and women, who responded, wanted sex to last 30 minutes or longer.
“This seems a situation ripe for disappointment and dissatisfaction,” said lead author Eric Corty, associate professor of psychology. “With this survey, we hope to dispel such fantasies and encourage men and women with realistic data about acceptable sexual intercourse, thus preventing sexual disappointments and dysfunctions.”
Corty and Guardiani, then-undergraduate student and now a University graduate, are publishing their findings in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, but the article is currently available online.
The survey’s research also has implications for treatment of people with existing sexual problems.
“If a patient is concerned about how long intercourse should last, these data can help shift the patient away from a concern about physical disorders and to be initially treated with counseling, instead of medicine,” Corty noted.
I read somewhere that “premature ejaculation” is usually classed as anything below two minutes after starting sex, but it can be over two minutes depending on the person’s norm. In the study you talk about in the post, 3-7 minutes was considered adequate for sex, so surely this has implications for men who think they’re not lasting long enough.
Like one of the other commenters says, the study doesn’t take into account all the variables – what’s normal for one couple won’t be normal for another. There are loads of drugs on the market for premature ejaculation (I think Priligy is the latest), but maybe for a lot of men drugs aren’t the answer. They should be made more aware of studies like this one that put things into perspective!
i just wanna know how to have sex for 20 to 30 minutes cause i can only last for 3 to 5 minutes before my sperm just start bursting out.
I think you need to worry about the quality of your writing before anything else. Seriously? I have no idea what you mean.
Do all these people eat fast food? Eat more natural food and come back with the same results then we will be on the same page.
no i agree,i am the top….if you agree reply now…..
too short of a ratio.
Stick to one partner and work through the relationship instead of **cking around like a stray dog. What good is a human being without discipline?
The atticle falls short of proffesionalism.
sex is enjoyed by over 500 million people per day and interviewing 50 people in a couple of days leaves one to ask “what ratio is there? Even thou it depends from partiner to pertiner, that duration is too short!!!!
Couldn’t agree with you more :)
quality is more imprant than quantity in couple long duration with low quality isnt satisfaction
quality is more quantity
Lead up to Q: ive had too many sexual partners to say but it backs up my experience and i know women like it to last. Finally ive met the woman of my dreams and now i gotta be a one pump chump!!! she only lasts if we do any position other than missionary… and if we slip into missionary its over in seconds.. this normally is good with women as they get multiple orgasms but she cant. (maybe shes too unexperienced?) she says theres too much feeling.. then its like shes not there and me wearing a rubber makes it almost impossible to finish..
Q: is there anything she can do to last or to be able to get multiple orgasms rather than just changing positions?
try giving her good sex!!
all i have to say is that im very sexual and i would love to try some positions but i have no one sadly well yet anyway. the point is im a girl and i wanna have sex but it seems im way to horny and once i get turned on i cant help what happens next i just want a boy with a big who canstick it in me and me real good and for a long time. Oh and someone who is willing to eat me out.
I am not a doctor, so consult yours first, but I got Paxil or Paroxetine HCL (generic) for a similar issue and it works great. I would recommend about 30mg. It depends on your drug tolerance and how long you want to stay in control of course. For me at least, I have no side effects and the enjoyment is still there. It just delays the ending. I would say I could go 30 min with a Carrie Underwood. I think Paxil is normally to treat anxiety and even though I don’t have that, it doesn’t change my personality. It does however intensify your buzz without you knowing it. Heavy drinking and Paxil can cause more frequent blackouts which aren’t always bad, just be careful and aware I guess. All in all though, it’s truly a wonder drug.
It is obvious that sex need strenght for you to have it well to your desire, from penetration to ejaculation it does not take five minute for me to pour out my hot sperm what do i do? Do i need to take drugs if yes what are the drugs. Be cool
hola ,,soy de maroc mon age 26ans ,,msn [email protected] gracias
I think you need to stop seeing the sex as a competition and see it as something beautiful where if she is pleasured then you are happy. It is hard for a woman to relax when a man is pumping away on top of her trying to get her to respond.
Sex is intimacy and if you keep going at it like it’s mechanical and all about your ability to make her cum, you will lose her. I bet you don’t realise that listening to her, holding her and just being slow and gentle with her are all part of the experience.
Get back to the place of love. Also if she is the woman of your dreams -MARRY HER!!!
you are a good lover
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اسلامية–خواطر رومانسية–شعر–قصص–صور
سيارات–مصارعة حره–نكت–العاب
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الخواطر–قصص وروايات–عالم
الحياة الزوجية–معجنات–صحة–ديكور–عالم
حواء–منتدى الصور–تصاميم–صرقعه–برامج–توبيكات
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و معجنات–سلطات–روايات
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كمبيوتر و جوال–اخبار
الفنانين–منتدى الفتاة المسلمة–صوتيات و مرئيات و اناشيد اسلامية–المنتدى العام-منتدى الترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد-منتدى النقاش الجاد-العاب منتديات بنات ستايل-نكت و طرائف-السياحة و السفر–ازياء و موضة-اكسسوارات و مجوهرات-ميك اب و مكياج-فساتين سهرة و زفاف-تسريحات واخر موضات الشعر-العناية بالبشرة و الشعر-ركن العطور و البخور و مساحيق التجميل-ديكور و اثاث المنازل–اطباق رئيسيه-حلويات و معجنات و عصيرات-سلطات–روايات ادبية-همس الخواطر-قصص و حكايات-شعر و قصائد-المنتدى الطبي العام-المشاكل النفسية و الاجتماعية و العاطفية-الامومة و الطفولة–منتدى
الصور و الغرائب-تصاميم
و ابداعات العضوات-مسجات-ثيمات
جوال-برامج كمبيوتر
و جوال-اخبار الفن و
my girl crazy, man!
Modern science is ass-backwards! If you want to do valid research, you must have a wide variety of variables and a large enough of a control to get substantive results from any type of research. What did this research leave out? Individuality! Every sexual experience is like snowflakes; no two are the same. Penis size is trivial when contrasted with vaginal laxity, dryness and lack of sensitivity in either the male or female; the prominence of vaginal rugae or lack thereof. Here is where the problem lies. Moreover, their ages were not considered (or mentioned) and their respective intelligences were also not tested; two imbeciles will not correctly be able to assess/differentiate what they are feeling. Two many unknowns to accurately come up with conclusive results. Please google: ‘Science of Sex’ by Dr. Kevin Pezzi.