A shameless bio about myself to begin with. My name in Sanskrit means utterly curious – I do not deny that completely. I read something and halfway though, something unexplained is googled and from there, a dip into some reference books; and the saga goes on. I don’t end up reading anything completely but collect nuggets of knowledge (!!!!) which I patch up to make a pattern. So much for our species: the pattern-seeking primates. So, on this blog I’ll try to route my random thoughts into a freeway of ideas and resist being smug about how well I err.
Now, the word err comes from Latin “errare” c. 1300: broadly to wander. It is like a word that mean the way it sounds — called as onomatopoeia. I’ve just learnt that my fav character Winne the Pooh got its title (Pooh) from the sound it makes to shoo away the bee on its nose. And that AA Milne’s Pooh stories were translated into Latin (the long dead language) in 1958, making it to the NY Times Best Seller list (and remaining the only Latin book to do so). Wikipedia informs me that a Canadian medical journal jokingly diagnosed Pooh with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, something kids and young adults aer supposed to have — for which ritalin, a cognitive enhancement drug is suggested. Now is it ethical that only few students can afford such an expensive drug; how would education change with this…. This is how my mind hops.. Stay with me to get bugged (oops poohed)!!!