Band Together for Lupus on Tuesday, March 16 — Make Your Voice Heard on Capitol Hill

Tomorrow, March 16 is the LFA’s 12th Annual Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill.

Hundreds of lupus advocates from around the country have come together to educate Members of Congress about lupus, and encourage them to support increased federal funding for lupus research, awareness, and health care provider education programs.

Even if you cannot physically join us on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, you can still support the LFA’s efforts on the 16th – and do it from the comfort of your home.

Make Your Voice Heard

Simply go online to the LFA’s advocacy action center located at, and you’ll see a section called “Action Alert.” Click on the link called “Take Action.” Then, you’ll enter your zip code, which will then bring you to a window which displays a pre-populated email addressed to YOUR elected officials. If you want, you can modify the email to share your personal story. When you’ve completed your message, click “send message” at the bottom, and that’s it.

Please ask your family, friends and co-workers to take just a few moments to also speak to their Members of Congress, and tell them why additional funding for lupus research is so important.

The link to the LFA’s advocacy action center again is

Together, we can change the future of those affected by lupus. Thank you and we look forward to an amazing day on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, March 16.

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