YouTubers and Fictional Characters Offer More Emotional Support Than Casual Friends

Watching online celebrities like Zoella, KSI, and PewDiePie can provide more emotional fulfillment than interacting with weak-tie acquaintances, such as neighbors or co-workers, according to a new study from the University of Essex.

The research, led by Dr. Veronica Lamarche from the Department of Psychology, aims to understand the role of parasocial relationships in society. These one-sided connections, characterized by a strong emotional bond with someone who is unaware of the individual’s existence, are more common than one might think.

The Prevalence of Parasocial Relationships

Across three studies involving more than 1,080 participants, the research found that parasocial relationships are not limited to the young or lonely. People of all ages reported feeling a strong connection to at least one fictional character, celebrity, or online personality they have never met. In fact, 52% of participants said they have a strong parasocial relationship, with 36% feeling close to a YouTuber.

The study, which looked at people with an average age of 36 in Britain and America, discovered that these “one-sided” friendships can fulfill emotional needs in ways that mirror traditional relationships. Participants believed that imagined relationships with someone they have never met or a fictional character were more effective at fulfilling their emotional needs than acquaintances or similar weak ties.

The Power of Strong Two-Sided Relationships

While parasocial relationships can provide emotional support, strong two-sided relationships, such as romantic partnerships or very close friendships, were consistently seen as the most effective connections for fulfilling emotional needs. However, when participants were asked to think about a recent time when a close other had hurt their feelings, some became even more confident that their parasocial ties would be able to respond to their needs.

Dr. Lamarche emphasizes the importance of these findings, stating, “Parasocial relationships are an important part of our psychological toolbox when it comes to feeling like we have people out there who are able to validate and support us in times of need, even if we can never actually meet with them in reality.”

As social media continues to evolve, this research shines a light on the role parasocial relationships play in our lives. While strong two-sided relationships remain the most effective way to fulfill emotional needs, the study suggests that one-sided connections with online celebrities and fictional characters can provide a valuable source of emotional support for people of all ages.

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