Massive endocytosis in cells

In three papers in the January and February issues of the Journal of General Physiology (JGP), Don Hilgemann and colleagues have extensively characterized a previously unidentified process by which up to 75% of the cell plasma membrane can be revers…

Vertical search across the educational horizon

Searching the web usually involves typing keywords or a phrase into a search engine and clicking the “search now” button. It’s very effective and several large companies have become prominent in the field by providing users with searchable access to…

Reading ‘Avatar’s’ DNA

Tel Aviv — You know when you’re watching a pirated film downloaded from the Internet — there’s no mistaking the fuzzy footage, or the guy in the front row getting up for popcorn. Despite the poor quality, pirated video is a serious problem a…

Swedes happier than before

Swedes are both happy and content with their lives, reveals a report from the SOM Institute at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The factors that contribute most to a sense of wellbeing are good health, family and friends, a good home and person…