Roses get celery gene to help fight disease

A rose by any other name would smell … like celery?
North Carolina State University research intended to extend the “vase life” of roses inserts a gene from celery inside rose plants to help fight off botrytis, or petal blight, one of the r…

Shoo fly: Catnip oil repels bloodsucking flies

Catnip, the plant that attracts domestic cats like an irresistible force, has proven 99 percent effective in repelling the blood-sucking flies that attack horses and cows, causing $2 billion in annual loses to the cattle industry. That’s the word fr…

Identity theft by aphids

Collaborative research at the University of Guam has people asking: “What IS a species” and entomologists wondering about the relationship between an insect species and the host plant or plants it feeds on.
Western Pacific Tropical Research …