university of vermont
Am I safe here?: How people with HIV/AIDS perceive hidden prejudices in their communities
People in marginalized groups, such as the disabled or racial minorities, feel stigmatized — condemned, feared, or excluded — when other people stigmatize them. That’s obvious. But they can also feel stigma when nobody blatantly discriminates agai…
Biracial and passing — as black
WASHINGTON, DC, December 8, 2010 — In a country with Jim Crow segregation laws and the “one-drop rule” determining who was black and therefore where and what a person was permitted to be, it’s easy to see why those who plausibly could, might pass…
Why it’s hard to crash the electric grid
Last March, the U.S. Congress heard testimony about a scientific study in the journal Safety Science. A military analyst worried that the paper presented a model of how an attack on a small, unimportant part of the U.S. power grid might, like domi…