Everythings a fractal…”QUANTUM-MECHANICS2GEN RELATIVITY”…”DNA2BIOSPHERE”…”PRE2MODERN-HISTORY”…”simple SPAMming2Vulnerability analysis”…”Hypotenuse of rt-triangle of unit base-height/Pythagoras Constant/Irrational2REAL-NUMBER LINE”(could be proven all these??)

##FALLACY##…Real Number Line…is itself a fractal!!!(Well, proof isn’t clumsy??)…2 possibilities…
(1)Number Line being a fractal, the same fractal shows itself up at the end of all calculations(reflexive).
(2)There is no workable flaw in Number Line/System(irreflexive).

IF (2) IS RIGHT???!!!@#^%$&*#@!$#$#$%^#(*%#%&_&%%#@#@!$^%^*^)”+{__(^&%^%$##

nothing in the whole of NATURE is RANDOM….
NATURE does not/can not PLAY DIES….
the whole GAME is BIASED….

Why is the bias/whos biasing?

ohmygod..I m Scared !

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