judging by the headlines, you
hunam scientists are at it again
trying to make this or that thing
glow for pleasure and profit.
it is my sociological observation that
all scientific cultures go through
a jellyfish phase.
ant history is populated by at least
three such eras—
most notably the fifth formicidic empire,
which culminated in a grand attempt
to engineer glowing transgenic ants by
imbibing large amounts of green jello
and drowned.
i wish no such ill effects on your own
culture, of course
but merely wish to point out the
potential pitfalls of science
and offer some practical advice—
when mucking around with gelatinous
compounds, it is important to
correctly estimate their
congealing temperature.
many people think science
is about grand ideas,
but down here among the grass
blades, we think
it’s the little measurements
that count
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