Girls are at Fastidious Vulnerable in HIV/AIDS
-Mohammad Khairul Alam-
-Executive Director-
-Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation-
-24/3 M. C. Roy Lane-
-Dhaka-1211, Bangladesh-
[email protected]
Tell: 880-2-8628908
Mobile: 01722344997
Adolescents girls are at fastidious vulnerable in HIV/AIDS. In some of the poor countries in world, girls, aged 15 to 19, are infected at rates as much as seven times higher than boys; in some regions, girls are infected at twice the rate. The disproportionate impact is related to widespread sexual abuse and gender discrimination against girls, making it extremely difficult for them to protect themselves. Females are also biologically more vulnerable to HIV/STIs transmission because of the immaturity of their reproductive tracts and the much higher rates of HIV/AIDS transmission from males to females.
The most visible impact of HIV/AIDS is the increase in the deaths of young generation. The highest mortality age for women is in the 25–35 age range and for men in the 35–45 range. There are 14 million 15-24 year olds infected with HIV, many of them parents who will leave their children orphaned. The global epidemic of HIV/AIDS seems to be just beginning. There are no reliable patterns of disease or means by which it is contracted. Thus whereas, globally, HIV is transmitted by sexual transmission (70%), mother to child transmission (10%), infected needles used by drug users (15%) or infected blood transfusions or blood products, the local pattern varies extremely.
It is susceptive in some region in Brazil, India etc, marriage itself may be a vulnerable factor, and female who believe they are in monogamous relationships might be at risk of infection. In many regions, a double standard exists whereby men are often permitted, if not encouraged, to connect in sex outside the regular marriage or relationship while women are emphatically condemned for it. Young women in Asia, for example, are being infected in increasing numbers by their husbands, who engage in extramarital/commercial sex, yet these women have little power to insist on safer sex from their husbands. Further, their risk of HIV infection seriously increases when other STIs are present. This tendency is also visible in parts of America and Africa.
It is widely known that some older men who are regular client of sex industry, often seeking young girls or verging girls, some time they offer huge money for this, so young girls are also trafficked for this. In many AIDS-affected countries, including Thailand, men are seeking younger and younger sex workers in the hope that they will be HIV-negative, but older men are presumed to be HIV negative, mostly in some of the worst affected countries in Africa. This phenomenon, particularly in the poorest countries, often goes beyond the stereotypical man who is much older or much richer; it can involve anybody who has more economic power than a adolescent girl and has no scruples about exploiting such badly poor girls. Openly, the practice feeds on circumstances of poverty and economic dependency and puts adolescent girls at danger of infection from older men or those who have had many sexual partners and are more likely to be infected.
The significant rates of sexually transmitted infection in the elderly point to the required for successful behavioural change communication (BCC) activities. Safe Sex education has shown significant promise in reducing risky sexual behaviours in this age (Adolescent) group. These efforts have led to reductions of risky sexual behaviours in adolescent groups, particularly among individuals in very high-risk categories.
Adolescent girls may be bound to engage in sex because they lack livelihood options or to help their families, to feed and provide better their charge. In several cases, this amounts to survival sex and occurs when diluted adolescent girls find no opportunity or economic alternatives. According to the Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation report, Bangladesh is a gender discriminate country in the world with low, social and economic status accorded to women. It is estimated that more than two-third women are illiterate. So we must work together to educate, encourage and empower girls and women.
All over the world it also rising by anti social circumstance, such as sexual violence, rape, and child abuse, although it is happened quit natural, but laws fail to punish them in maximum time. Cause of previous experience other; time & cost for police case and child or girls sensitivity, risk bringing shame and stigma, their family think safe would be hidden real fact.
Source: Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation, UNAIDS, CARE, UNICEF