Women and Young Adults are Heavily Affected by HIV/AIDS
-Mohammad Khairul Alam-
-Executive Director-
-Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation-
-24/3 M. C. Roy Lane-
-Dhaka-1211, Bangladesh-
[email protected]
Tell: 880-2-8628908
Mobile: 01722344997
Nowadays, HIV/AIDS is not a problem of individual or a nation; it turns into a global problem. AIDS has become the most harmful disease humankind has ever faced. Since the start of the epidemic, more than 50 million people have been infected with the HIV. Some worst effected region of sub-Saharan Africa where HIV/AIDS is now the leading cause of death. Women and young adults are heavily affected by the epidemic. They are at greater risk of infection due to physiological, anatomical and socio-economic reasons.
HIV/AIDS are devastating to the individual and the society. HIV/AIDS is not simply a medical disease but also a social one. The spread of HIV/AIDS depends on, and exposes, every weakness in society. It spreads if there is poverty, gender inequality, illiteracy, lack of public health, if women do not have reproductive rights, if the use of injection drug is high and widespread, and if illicit sexual behavior or risky-behavior becomes part of daily life.
The global HIV/AIDS epidemic is the greatest threat to individual, socio-economic survival that the World has ever known. Its pattern varies between countries according to mode of transmission and ability of public society to respond. The poorest are the most affected. Achieving behaviour change is difficult but vital. Without major changes in behaviour and an increase in knowledge about HIV/AIDS, the illness could spread rapidly among at-risk populations. Soon it could affect the general population as well.
The behavioural reasons, on the superficial, are quite simple. The risks of sexual behaviour patterns are well predictable. Sex with multiple partners, commercial sex workers (CSWs) or Injection Drug Users (IDUs) increases the risk. The young, having immature reproductive tract lining, are especially vulnerable. Most of the time they are to face different problems. So it would be necessary to educate themselves in the light of preventive measures such as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) treatment / management, promotion of use of condoms for their own benefit Leadership development is necessary among the CSWs because they are the most helpless victims of HIV/AIDS and other social oppressions.
Social Researcher Dr. M. A. Matin said, “The South Asian HIV/AIDS epidemic is highly dynamic. The risky behaviour, poverty, cultural-form and vulnerability, which disseminate, fuel and facilitate the rapid transmission of HIV, are present in virtually all countries of the region. Hence, the potential for its further spread is significant. The reality is behaviours that produce the highest risk of infection in this region are unprotected sex (both heterosexual and homosexual) and needle sharing among intravenous drug users.”
Bangladesh is still considered as a low HIV/AIDS prevalent country; The Behavioral Surveillance found a high prevalence of syphilis among CSWs in Bangladesh. Uncountable Street-based, residence, hotel sex workers in central Bangladesh who frequently make high-risk in general population. Furthermore, sex workers often lack of power to negotiate safe sex or seek treatment of sexually transmitted infections. The Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation survey in Goalondo Brothel, this study point out that almost 20% of sex workers were entered the profession after the marriage and 30% of them have children and main reason to choice such job only for poverty.
Source: Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation, UNAIDS, CARE, UNICEF